ack in my warehouse in my latest dream - Oh, how funny! I wrote 'my' warehouse instead of 'the' warehouse! - I was pleasantly surprised to see again that lovely, charming little girl from previous dreams.
There she was in her vivid blue outfit and little red Keds singing that old Madonna song "Lucky Star" as she worked at a small table. She did not seem to notice me even as I drew closer to discern what she was doing. It appeared that she had cut the front from a cereal box, a Lucky Charms box to be precise, and used cardboard pieces of various lengths to construct a labyrinth in the remainder of the box. She had cut the leprechauns from a pile of discarded Lucky Charms boxes and lined them up at the entrance to the labyrinth. I do not know how it happened, but suddenly all the leprechauns wore hats like the one Uncle Joe wore at his wedding!
While I pondered that
I sensed she was giving me a demonstration of her understanding, her interpretation of the myth of the labyrinth and minotaur, but my thoughts tripped over themselves when I saw her guide the leprechauns to bow before the bull and address it with the salutation "Namaste". With that address the bull then instructed each leprechaun to "take up arms" and be. I gasped when I realized that the diamond-shaped cutouts were pairs of coats-of-arms! The child affixed the "arms" to the leprechauns and lifted them in flight from the labyrinth!
It ... It seems she is combining two stories about the labyrinth from Greek mythology, changing things and omitting things, to make some point to me, but what?
you write....with such
wonder...and magic
and well, leprechauns are my
very most favorite little people
on the world
not to mention how i love green
on the world?
i meant
in IN the world
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